Wednesday, August 30, 2006


It is virtually impossible to break a habit, luckily, all you have to do is make a different choice.

I came across this oxymoron perusing the chapter headings in a well-known self-help book:How to Create Lasting Change.

The only thing you can rightfully expect is the unexpected.

Don’t feel your feelings just have them.

Great atheletes are great not because they do what others can't do, but because they don't do what others can't not do. {Try thinking that 3 times fast}

Thought first.
Movement second.
Feeling last.

Habits are opinions but ease is wisdom.

Good use is always there; tucked in just beneath our habits.


You can't use feeling to guide you because it’s always behind you.

You’re a scientist conducting an experiment not a policeman on border patrol.

The sixth sense is the sense of yourself.

It’s silly to try to understand what you already know.

See without looking.
Hear without listening.
Touch without feeling.

The Alexander Technique is only elusive if you are trying to catch it.


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